Amazones Hotels – Express Chekout Form Name / Surname *Check-out date *Country *City / State / Postal code *Address *Telephone number *Passport No / ID no *Issue date *Place of issue *Expiry date *2nd personName *Surname *Country *Nationality *Passport No / ID no *Credit card details *American ExpressDiner's clubEuro / MastercardJCBVisaOtherCredit card number *Expiry date *Email *Confirm email *Requesting invoice in case of damages chargeCompany name *City / Address *VAT number *Country / City / Postal code *RemarksPlease confirm *I do not have any open bills on the bar or the reception of th hotel. In case i have i consent to use my card below to cover any outstanding amount. In addition i am leaving the room the same way in checked in without any damages, in case there are damages, i consent to be charged and be invoiced for these damages.Please confirm *By submiting this form, you agree to Amazones Hotels Terms and Conditions & Privacy PolicyCommentSubmit